I don't know about you but I'm tired of hearing about how the rich should be taxed rather than the middle class or the poor on the basis that rich people are nothing but greedy good-for-nothings. I really hope God's people know better than to think this way.
1. Because you do NOT have to be rich to be greedy.
I would be more prone to believe that there are more greedy poor people than greedy rich people. But the greed of poor people just looks different. It looks like covetousness and discontentment. It cries out hatred and ill-will towards rich people. Chances are if you think the rich people should be taxed more than you just because they are rich, you are greedy.
2. Because being rich does not equal being greedy.
How do you get rich? By being greedy? Sometimes. Some people have gotten rich through taking advantage of people, running them over and plastering them onto the road to success. But there are many people who got there through honest hard work. And in your embarrassing claims that the rich and greedy should be taxed more, you are also including a lot of hard working people who actually do a lot of good for those who have fewer assets.
3. Because chances are, if you were rich you'd be taking advantage of people like you too. So don't be hatin. Rather be prayin.
Why does Jesus say that rarely does a rich person enter into the Kingdom of Heaven? Because being rich is hard. Being rich AND righteous takes a lot of grace. Sure you have a lot of conveniences and securities - at least here on earth - but as far as your spiritual life is concerned, I can only imagine (as I don't exactly have experience with wealth) that a heavenly mind is harder to maintain when you are surrounded by such earthly pleasures. You wish you had them. And when you have them, you'll probably be just as blind. Being rich is a gift. More people should run away from it. Rather we all run toward it like a bunch of crazy women at 4am at Best Buy on Black Friday. Sometimes people get run over...by us...because all we can see is what we want. And unfortunately that does not generally include other people. You don't have to be rich to be self centered. Most of us are that way without riches. Just imagine what we'd be with them. When you put yourself in their shoes, maybe you will end up on your knees instead of in a picket line.
4. Because both the rich and the poor are beloved of God, who does not judge according to earthly status.
Just think about that. The fact that you are jealous of the rich, and wish they were taxed more because they are "rich and greedy" means you already judge according to earthly wealth. Why do you think that would change if they were poorer and/or you were richer? God calls us to a better perspective. And NO it's not "judge not lest ye be judged." He says "love your neighbor as yourself" without the amendments we generally add on to it - "unless they are rich and greedy," "unless they are democrats," "unless they are Barack Obama," "unless they have something I wish I had but could never have," "unless they don't agree with me," "unless I just plain don't like them." It's simple really. Just a simple little statement, but it will turn your world upside down, and it will change the way you view people. If you really followed Christs commandment, would you really wish ill upon someone because of some social status? Maybe a rich dude does have a problem. But your reaction to that problem tells you and everyone else who is watching whether you have one too or not.