"Is the distinction between living for Christ and dying for Him, after all so great? Is not the second a logical conclusion of the first?" - Elizabeth Elliott
This quote I acquired by my brother A. T. Pierson. If I do not desire to die a Christ-like death, do I really want to live a Christ-like life? I find it easy at times to admit that I would be willing to do anything, even die a miserable death, in and for the Name of the Beloved. But saying something, though one be convinced in his mind, is not proof of truth. Words are backed by actions. Without actions, assertions are vain. Would I give my life up to Death for Christ? I will know when I come to that bridge, whether I be willing to cross it. Today, I will give to Him all that He has given into my hands, for they be His anyway. I will plan to do so tomorrow. When the day of testing is come, by His grace - for I am lean, His great Name will be uplifted. Lord, will you privilege me so, that I should have opportunity to give my life in death for my Saviour? O, the unseen privilege it is to live in Christ unto His praise and maginification. Your Covenant and your cross, O Christ, are blessed, though brought because of our curse. I will die today as by Your strength, Your right hand, I walk.
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