Thursday, April 19, 2012

Let Him Be Accursed!

Galatians 1:8-9 presents a very powerful message of separation – a message that, through a great lack of down-to-earthedness, can be used to preach the message of complete separation from anyone who might believe and teach a gospel contrary to the true Gospel of Jesus Christ. And that over-earthed preacher would then go to tell you about people groups and religions that you should have no communication with ever.

However, I believe that this interpretation also is a false application of a true Gospel. And here is why.

First, this passage must be taken into consideration in the context of the whole book. It seems that Paul has one central message in this book. Any doctrine that he might be expounding comes down to one focus: what is the true, undefiled Gospel? The Galatians had been saved out of idolatry, and had, since their salvation, been infiltrated by what seems to be Judaism, that is, salvation and acceptance into God's covenant community cannot be had apart from the law. It is this heresy that has caused Paul to get hot-tempered with the Galatians.

I do not have the time to expound upon the entire book of Galatians. It is important to know that this church had apparently become overcome by the heresy of commandment or works-related salvation, and were not trusting in the satisfaction that Christ achieved for them in His death and resurrection, and His fulfillment of the law. And that was their fault for which Paul rebukes them. Do you know anyone who theologically or practically believes that we must adhere to certain commandments in order to be saved? Do you know anyone who believes, theologically or practically, that one cannot really get to know God unless he walks according to certain guidelines, traditions, or standards? If you really take Galatians 1:8-9 to its utmost extreme, you could certainly justify shunning these people. But what we’d be doing is shunning basically the entire world. Even many who attend our own churches.

So how are we supposed to apply these verses? When it comes to my real-life encounters, how do I walk in line with Paul’s serious claims against works-centered believers and messengers?

First, we must understand the perspective of Paul. He had put much effort into this church. He had taught them the Gospel and probably viewed them as his spiritual children, much like the Corinthian church, which had also been saved out of idolatry and struggled with flesh-centered spirituality. With both the Galatians and the Corinthians, Paul dealt very harshly because of their acceptance of practical and theological heresies. Paul deals harshly with the Galatians here to emphasize the error of their ways and their immediate need to reject the false teaching that had so quickly crept into their assembly. They had to get serious about their faith in Christ, and get serious now. It wasn’t that he was teaching the universal doctrine of relational separation from anyone who is not redeemed by grace through faith. Rather, the Galatians needed an extra dose of urgency about them concerning their faith. Chances are, there were still teachers of Judaism among them that the Galatians were treating as one of their own, and their spiritual leaders. The Galatians had to remove them from their place of influence and return to pure Gospel as a church community. Those who would not return from Judaism would need to be rejected from the community as well. The leaven had to be purged.

Does this mean that we are Biblically obligated to be separatists from any sign of theological impurity?

The second point addresses this. The first point can be illustrated thus: The Galatians had a bad case of a plague. The only way they were going to get better was to remove themselves from any means by which they could get any sicker. They were put on bed rest and needed to be extra-conscious about their surroundings so they could get better ASAP. And some of us need a similar prescription. But that’s not my point. We don’t always need bed rest, and to have our attention stuck on what kind of teaching we are getting, though we should always aware, walking “circumspectly,” continually aware of our surroundings. But our awareness does not have to always be pin-pointed on who we need to separate from. Countless passages have the bulls-eye on unity. In many passages, the focus is not who to separate from, but who to love and accept. But this was not the message the Galatians needed to hear at the moment. They were having an internal crisis, and Paul needed to address this crisis. So the second point is this: Typically, if someone is coming to you to teach you the “truth” that they know you need to hear, but is not the truth of the Gospel, they will typically be one who is unable to be convinced otherwise. Many people are scorners. A couple days ago while I was at work, a couple men came to our house and attempted to convince my wife of the “newly revealed doctrine” of some sort of “holy mother, the bride of Christ,” and Kristin needed to come to a bible study to be given the forgotten truth of this "holy mother" (all expletives aside). The first thing that came to my mind was “Oh boy. Just what we need. Another cult.” Generally, cult leaders are not convincible. They have become scorners to the truth. The Judaizers knew the Gospel that the Galatians had been taught and were attempting to convince them otherwise. It was not uncommon for Judaizers to follow Paul on his journeys and attempt to deceive the cities Paul was teaching at during and after Paul was there. These Judaizers would have been scorners. Proverbs gives us some wisdom about scorners:

9:7 – “Whoever corrects a scoffer gets himself abuse.”

19:25 – “Strike a scoffer, and the simple will learn prudence.”

21:11 – “When a scoffer is punished, the simple becomes wise; when a wise man is instructed, he gains knowledge.”

Solomon knew a thing or two about scorners. They are hard and unreachable. And the best way to handle them is to deal harshly with them, so, if not for their own good, others might benefit from the severe handling of these people and be brought to wisdom. The Galatians were fresh in the faith. They were “simple,” and were able to become wise unto the Gospel. The Judaizers had heard the Gospel, rejected it, and taught otherwise (cf. Psalm 1).

So I think we can conclude that the harshness of Paul’s tone was for 2 reasons: 1. to give the Galatians a sense of urgency in expelling the false teachers from their midst, and 2. to bring them back to the spiritual wisdom of the Gospel, rather than the fleshly wisdom being preached to them.

So how do we respond to this passage?

Well, first, we interpret it in its own context and do not draw out application that was never intended to be drawn out. Applying something in a way that was not the intent typically leads toward unnecessary quarrelling, hurt, separation, and works-centered sanctification at some point. The intent of the Scripture is all we need. We do not need to add our opinions to it to make it more complete or applicable. Second, we allow ourselves to be influenced by Paul’s sense of urgency toward the need for a pure, deliberate Gospel. Third, we need to understand that Paul is not calling all men everywhere to flee any person or group of people who does not believe what we believe. How are we to fulfill the great commission? How are we to edify believers? How are we to get involved in our communities? We need to convince people of the Gospel, both Christians and non-Christians. You don’t do this by separating from everyone relationally. There is a place for rejecting individuals, but this isn’t the focus. Throughout Scripture, we see God acting as the redeemer. We see God acting as the Great Puritan of His creation. And He uses His Church, the Body of Christ, to do this. When we see ourselves primarily as separatists, we see ourselves as segmented from the character and intent of God. He cannot look upon evil, but yet he invites sinners to enter into His kingdom. He cannot fellowship with evil, yet Christ ate with sinners. He is a just judge who rightfully condemns some, but also rightfully redeems others, all of which are sinners. God is not a one-sided judge, and we should not be either. If the person is reachable, then reach them. Build a relationship with them. Do not reject someone who you have not known. How can you judge them to be a scoffer if you do not know them? Get it through your head – people are fleshly! People are going to be wrong! So toil and sweat to bring them to the truth. It’s a sticky situation when you encounter the sinners of the world like yourself, and have to decide who to build a relationship with and who to reject. We must trust in the Spirit to give us wisdom. There are people we need to reject and keep away from, and advise others to keep away from them, but we should not do so easily. It should be a tough decision. Very few personal decisions are easy. If you tend toward easy-rejectism, you should check yourself. See yourself more a “reacher” than a “rejecter.” After all, isn’t that what God is to you? And He has every reason in His world to reject you.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

God’s Judgment.

We hear its immanency preached. We read about it in Scripture. The message of the coming judgment of God hits us with an almost exclusively negative and undesirable punch to the gut. But should it? When we hear the words “judgment” and “God” in the same conversation, is it right to then immediately picture a huge 2x4 with nails sticking out of it swinging in our direction?

Let’s take a walk through a bit of how the Bible talks about judgment.

There are plenty of passages in Scripture that carry the tone of Matthew here: “But I tell you that it will be more tolerable on the Day of Judgment for the land of Sodom than for you,” and “I tell you, on the Day of Judgment people will give account for every careless word they speak.” And these types of passages do teach us a great message about the purity that God demands and the seriousness of sin. This is a severe problem in American culture, and any God-fearing individual should give this message its proper place in his/her life. However, a Biblical survey of the doctrine of judgment does not stop at this message. This message leads us to fear God and plead for His mercy. And truly God is a God who deserves to be feared, and we can ask for nothing but mercy. But the Bible does not just tell us that God is a God Who is to be feared. He is also a God Who is to be loved, and a Father who can rightfully be called Abba.

See these passages below:

John 5: “Truly, truly, I say to you, whoever hears my word and believes him who sent me has eternal life. He does not come into judgment, but has passed from death to life.”

John 9: “Jesus said, ‘for judgment I came into this world, that those who do not see may see, and those who see may become blind.’”

Romans 5: “And the free gift is not like the result of that one man's sin. For the judgment following one trespass brought condemnation, but the free gift following many trespasses brought justification.”

1 John 4: “Whoever confesses that Jesus is the Son of God, God abides in him, and he in God. So we have come to know and to believe the love that God has for us. God is love, and whoever abides in love abides in God, and God abides in him. By this is love perfected with us, so that we may have confidence for the Day of Judgment, because as he is so also are we in this world. There is no fear in love, but perfect love casts out fear. For fear has to do with punishment, and whoever fears has not been perfected in love.”

From these passages we can make the following conclusions about God’s judgment:

1. God’s judgment works in two directions – to death and to life. Without God’s judgment, we would never know life.

2. God’s judgment gives sight to the lowly minded and blindness to the high-minded. Without God’s judgment, we could never be enlightened to truth in Christ.

3. God’s judgment brings both condemnation and justification. Without God’s judgment, we would never be justified.

4. God’s judgment gives grace its potency. God judges sin, and our sin makes us unworthy of God’s acceptance. But God gave us a Redeemer who God has judged to be acceptable, on whose behalf we are made acceptable through the justification of faith. Without God’s judgment, we could never know grace.

5. God’s judgment is based on our association with Christ. If He is not our Savior, then we should fear the judgment. If He is our Savior, we have no need to fear the judgment, as the Father sees us as He sees Christ. We are guilty or guilt-free based on our association with Christ, rather than our association with our deeds. Without God’s judgment, we would never be free from our guilt, and we would never know sanctification in the love of God.

We CANNOT preach judgment properly without preaching the grace of God in judgment. Judgment for the believer is actually a very glorious and exciting time! Will anything really be better than the moment when God judges us and says “well done my good and faithful servant”? Without God’s judgment, we would never hear these intimate words of acceptance.

How then shall we live?

We must never forget that judgment is a two-way street. When we remember this, it impacts our walk with God, our view of Scriptures, and our interaction with the world around us.

1. We develop confidence in Christ’s propitiation. Therefore, we develop stability in our daily efforts to please Him, knowing that these works are not what makes us acceptable. We can love Him unconditionally because of His absolute faithfulness to us in spite of our daily failures. He has already passed judgment on us in Christ. We need not strive to gain His love. Rather, we work to please Him because of the grace He has shed upon us. When we falter, it is because we have taken His judgment for granted.

2. When we read the Word, we see our justification everywhere. A page is not turned where we do not see God’s justifying grace spelled out for us. Therefore, we are constantly encouraged in our faith to keep up the good fight for the one who has loved us, even though He didn’t have to, nor did He have to provide a Substitute and Atonement for our sins. If judgment were only to be feared, we would take no pleasure in His Gospel. But we can take pleasure in Him because His judgment is good, and teaches of a life and hope that we do not deserve.

3. When we become tuned into God’s gracious judgment, we too become gracious in our judgment of others. Not that we do not judge. We are meant to judge. But our judgment is discernment between good and evil. We praise and promote what is good, and we condemn and lead people away from what is evil, in agreement with God’s judgment. We are not critical of all men everywhere. We are quick to praise, but also quick to defend God’s stated truth, and promote sanctification in our churches, and salvation in our communities, because we have responded to God’s judgment of us and wish for others to share in our glorious judgment. We walk humbly among men, knowing that we too are in need of God’s grace. We for whom Christ died. Nothing makes us more acceptable to God, as we are all looked upon by the same Father who has given us the same Christ and works through us by the same Spirit. We judge ourselves when we find ourselves more acceptable and someone else less acceptable based on the merit of personal decorum. In a world where good judgment was practiced by all men, no church would die. No church would split. No family would shatter. There would be no reviling comments on blogs. There WOULD still be arguments, disagreements, and differences. However these would not lead to segmentation, but rather true love, as our weaker love is practiced through confrontation so that it becomes strong.

4. God’s judgment allows true hospitality to exist in all believers’ houses. Since God has judged us all to be sinners, but has then provided a redeemer for all men, we are all judged on the merit of the same standard: Christ’s atonement, which God has judged to be acceptable, thereby judging us to be acceptable due to the justification of faith in the Redeemer. Seeing that we have a common foundation for God’s love, we have a common foundation for brotherly love and missional involvement. If God has redeemed that man, he is your brother, and is worthy of your acceptance. If that person is not redeemed, then that person is still your equal, as you are no better due to your merit. And he has a great need that you are able to provide. And you have a true joy, given by Christ, that reveals the quality of your redemption. Let it shine in the darkness! True Christian hospitality is hard when we are not consumed with Christ. Some have a special gift for hospitality, and profitable communion just seems natural to them. But we are all given grace, which is the basis for deep relationship. What we need is not more dinners or conversation pieces. What we need is more of Jesus and more involvement in people’s lives on a spiritual level. Christian brotherhood does not exist to give more substance to our conversations about the weather, but to give more substance, abundance, and guidance to our walks with God. We can, because of God’s judgment, fellowship with people on a deeper, more personal level than we do now. We are all part of the fallen world that God is in the business of redeeming. We all naturally have something in common, and this is often the hard part of being hospitable-finding something in common to commune about. Like I said, we need to be consumed with Christ. Then we will see how we cannot so easily run out of things to talk about. And we musn't forget that hospitality is not all about talking. It's about serving. It's about others. Hospitality is essentially practical Christianity. It is where theology hits our hands. It's about opening up our livelihood to others, resembling God opening up His Kingdom for us. We make a place for others where they can feel accepted and at home, as God does for us. But in order to do that, we must agree with God's judgment. In order to really feel like that are worthy partakers of our livelihood, we must see others as God sees them. No more lost than we were, and no less acceptable than we are. Loved, cherished, and sought out. God loves us not because we are lovable, but because it is His character to love. And He passes that character on to us as we are progressively sanctified.

I hope this brief perspective on judgment is helpful. It’s part of the Gospel. The Gospel cannot be preached apart from judgment. It is involved in any profitable and Biblical discussion of our sin and our Savior, both of which should be as much of a center piece in our lives as the TV is in our living rooms (ok, that was a little sarcastic). Truth be told, we cannot really live without having a proper understanding of judgment.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

I feel that I have been deceived concerning grace. I read blogs and articles and listen to messages that all talk about grace, yet grace is rarely defined per the applications that they draw from it. I recently tweeted the following statement (@DavePCochran):

“Responsive grace doesn't produce weak expectations and say it's all good in the hood. It relates as a fellow sinner without superiority.”

I must admit that the statement was a bit hypocritical. I’m a bit ticked off that I have been lead astray, and part of me wants to blame those who have influenced me. And not that any of the preachers that have produced the messages that I’ve been influenced by were really being deceitful. It’s just what I got out of it due to a severe lack of definition. So I feel it is necessary for my own sake, and to perhaps even edify any who would read this post, to give a bit of definition of grace as it would pertain to our interaction with other people.

In my tweet, I mentioned “responsive grace.” By this I mean the grace that we are to have to other men because of the grace shed so freely to us by Christ. Many may have said “because of the grace shed so freely to us on the cross,” but I don’t believe that was the only time grace was propelled toward us. I believe it is given every day. “For all have sinned and have come short of the glory of God.” The standard is set high. So high than no man or woman has ever reached it. And truly it is spoken that God’s grace abounded in Christ’s death for us: “But we see him who for a little while was made lower than the angels, namely Jesus, crowned with glory and honor because of the suffering of death, so that by the grace of God he might taste death for everyone.” But God’s grace continues: “But by the grace of God I am what I am, and his grace toward me was not in vain. On the contrary, I worked harder than any of them, though it was not I, but the grace of God that is with me.”

And this grace produces a type of life within us. This is what I call “responsive grace.” It is the grace that produces abundant life through us that affects how we live and how we see ourselves and how we see and interact with other people. Consider the following passages that illustrate this:

“According to the grace of God given to me, like a skilled master builder I laid a foundation, and someone else is building upon it. Let each one take care how he builds upon it.”

“For by the grace given to me I say to everyone among you not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think, but to think with sober judgment, each according to the measure of faith that God has assigned.”

“Having gifts that differ according to the grace given to us, let us use them: if prophecy, in proportion to our faith…”

“But on some points I have written to you very boldly by way of reminder, because of the grace given me by God”

“For our boast is this, the testimony of our conscience, that we behaved in the world with simplicity and godly sincerity, not by earthly wisdom but by the grace of God”

“But as you excel in everything—in faith, in speech, in knowledge, in all earnestness, and in our love for you — see that you excel in this act of grace also.” (“this act” being giving)

“And God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that having all sufficiency in all things at all times, you may abound in every good work.”

“But he said to me, ‘My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.’ Therefore I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may rest upon me.”

This list could go on and on. But I think we can conclude from these passages that when we are saved by grace, it is not just our eternity that is redeemed, but also our life. This is daily, responsive grace. We live our life in response to the grace that was shed upon us on the cross, and the grace that is continually shed upon us as the living Christ mediates on our behalf before the Father and works in and through us by the Spirit by the will and work of the Father (likewise we are baptized into Christ at salvation).

Much of what I’ve heard about grace has lead towards a great deceit among Christians. Not because it leads us toward sin, but because it leads us towards accepting sin in others as just another way that Christ’s grace allows us to differ. We allow ourselves to live as though we don’t have to focus on purity in ourselves or others. Christ has covered all sins, so we don’t have to cover it in our edification towards others. We can just boast in Christ’s freeing grace and not deal with seeing people live purely in this world. We boast in that we are acceptable because of Christ’s redemption, and not because of works, which is true, but we then go to conclude through our lack of proper edification that the way we live our lives is only between us and our God, and we need not presume upon others that they have improper motives or have set the bar too low for themselves. I’m not saying that we all need to repent of our CCM. I personally think that some standards do not need to be had by all people. But we should not keep our relationships so shallow so as to never be able to talk to a person about their motives, and just leave it between them and God. God has, by His grace, left us with a great Church to edify itself and bring itself up in the grace of God. He has left us to be our brothers’ keepers. So we must, according to the grace of God, keep our brothers in check before God, in our actions, attitudes, and motives. Especially the latter two, as those are the things that bring about our actions.

But this is not to say that we are to be critical of all works of men. Truly at some point we cannot know the ins and outs of everyone’s relationship with God. We cannot expect to have all answers for all men. We cannot, according to grace, believe that we have it all figured out, and that the standards that we walk according to are the universal standards that all men have to live by. We have to understand that we too are weak. We need our own barriers to keep us from the sins that easily beset us. Yet our besetting sins are not the same as someone else’s. Are you drawn into the self-sufficient rebellion of the rock culture? Then stay away from certain types of CCM. But not all people are likewise drawn, and do not need the same barrier that you need. Understand that you are weak. Understand that they are weak. Understand that, since you are weak, you have an understanding of the world around you that has holes in it. While you are redeemed by Christ’s blood, your walk and worldview are still being redeemed! It’s only natural to be wrong. And we must boast in our weaknesses, for in them is the grace of God most clearly displayed. But we focus too much on being strong…on being right…on being whole…as if God’s grace needs us to work for it. No, rather, humble yourself under God’s grace. Boast in your weaknesses because of God’s strength, yet strive with all men to live justly in this life, and to seek more and more daily grace and peace with our God. We cannot sacrifice purity for grace. Nor can we sacrifice grace for purity. They serve each other. And we serve men. It is a glorious existence when you understand that God’s will does not depend on you, and that you are merely a speck in this world. Because then you really see the glory of God’s work, and it becomes less about you and more about Him. Some are depressed by the fact that they never be anything more than a speck, but only because they want to be great. Rather, be consumed by God’s greatness and boast in His grace toward you. While you do this, edify all men to live holy and upright lives before their God. Get intimate with the Church so that you might edify their souls, and not just their actions. Do not judge as though you see all things in black and white. You only deceive yourself. Rather, see to it that in your edification you and God are in agreement concerning truth. Speak nothing as “thus saith the Lord” if the Lord did not thus say, yet what the Lord has spoken, speak to all men for their salvation and edification in a holy fear of God, knowing that one day you will give account for the things that you have and have not said. Often it is the things that we do not say “in the name of grace, peace, and humility” that are the most hurtful.

Responsive grace changes your life. Responsive grace seeks to change other people’s lives. Do not “leave it up to God.” Realize that, while it is all up to God, He has, according to His sovereignty, purposefully set up the Church to edify itself through the grace that He gives it. Leaving it up to God means acknowledging that He has given us as a means of edification to the Church. So get off your lazy, scared rump and get out there and speak the bold truth…in grace.