Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Well, summer camp at Ironwood is over for 2006. I've been home for three days and it feels like 35 brothers and sisters just died. I'll see them again though, no doubt, almost every day from now through eternity, if eternity has days. I can't express in words what I learned this summer. The classic answer would be "I've got a lot to learn," which is deffinately true. But about what? Here's an example: love. When I left for camp, I thought I had a pretty good grasp on the concept of love and I thought that I truly loved people. Little did I know. . .yah. I'm coming to learn that love is probably the deepest subject of all, and the most neglected by today's Christian. After all, Love God and Love neighbor are the two greatest commandments given by Christ. It makes sense to ignore it, right? I mean, humility is part of it, and that's just not cool. To give, or be willing to give, 100% of myself for someone else's welfare, "Lord, you don't understand!" To which the Lord responds, "I've shown you reality, will you live in it? I've revealed to you my heart, will you seek that it be your's as well?" Maybe it's just that we don't realize it's place of prominence in the reality of God. It took a summer of intense outpouring of self to give me a taste of it's importance. Here's a trap we usually fall in to: Marshal Mike gave us this example while trying to teach us this: God wants us to move to Philadelphia, not to just stay clear of Colorado. In other words, we see "don't hate people" and "love your neighbor" as the same thing. They are completely different ideas. How do I get to Philadelphia? "Stay clear of Colorado!" Dumb directions. You have 1 in a billion chance of finding Philly, where God's will resides. Don't just not hate people! Love them! That is evidenced in 100% service-from the heart, not from duty.

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